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via Webhooks

Webhooks allow you to receive events from external systems via an HTTP call immediately, with zero infrastructure. You can transform incoming events on-the-fly using javascript (ES6+) to match our event format.

We provide set of built-in webhooks for common services. Additionally, we offer integrations for some services which receive events automatically.

Webhooks allow you to create a new URL for receiving events from other systems, with zero infrastructure, servers, or code.

Why use Inngest for webhooks?

Using Inngest to manage incoming webhooks is easier, faster, and more reliable than building out webhook infrastructure yourself.

Simplicity: You can create a new webhook within seconds. Each event sent to the webhook is tracked within Inngest and can trigger workflows immediately.

Speed: When you create a new webhook in Inngest, we can immediately start receiving events and running workflows.

Reliability: We process incoming webhooks via our ingest API, which maintains high availability to receive every event you are sent. We handle workflow retries and event replays for you on our side.

Creating webhooks

You can create a new webhook within Inngest by heading to "Sources" and selecting "Webhooks" tab.

When creating a webhook you will be prompted for it's name and can optionally specify a transform and filter list. A transform allows you to change the event's structure before we process it, and filters allow you to allow or deny specific events or IPs from using the webhook.


Transforms allow you to change an incoming event's structure before we process it. Each event we process must match our event format by having at least the name and data field. You can specify ES6+ JavaScript code which transforms an incoming event when creating a webhook.

The transform must return an object containing a name and data field:

function transform(evt, headers = {}) {
const name =
headers["X-Github-Event"] || evt?.headers["X-Github-Event"] || "";
return {
// Use the event as the data without modification
data: evt,
// Add an event name, prefixed with "github." based off of the X-Github-Event data
name: "github." + name.trim().replace("Event", "").toLowerCase(),

The above example shows a GitHub transform, using the incoming event data to create a new name field.

You can use almost all ES6 features, and our UI allows you to preview the transform prior to saving the webhook. Transforms can be modified at any time.