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Process new profile photos with Google

Use the Google Cloud Vision API and Sharp to check images are safe and convert them to a variety of sizes.

npx inngest-cli init --template
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When a user/ event is received, check that the uploaded image is safe using the Google Cloud Vision API, then resize the images using Sharp create a variety of thumbnails.

graph LR Source[Your app] -->|"user/
'url':'https://.../photo.jpg'"| Inngest(Inngest) Inngest -->|Triggers| Safety(steps/safety-check) Safety -->|Not safe| Alert[steps/alert] Safety -->|Safe| Process[steps/process] classDef in fill:#4636f5,color:white,stroke:#4636f5; classDef inngest fill:white,color:black,stroke:#4636f5,stroke-width:3px; classDef out fill:white,color:black,stroke:#4636f5,stroke-dasharray: 5 5,stroke-width:3px; class Source in; class Inngest,Safety inngest; class Alert,Process out;
  1. user/ event is received
  2. ➡️ Run steps/safety-check to check image safety
  3. If image is deemed safe:
    • ✅➡️ Run steps/process to create different image sizes and upload them to Google Cloud Storage
  4. If image is not deemed safe:
    • ⚠️➡️ Run steps/alert to warn that the user has uploaded something unsafe



Use this quickstart with a single CLI command to get started! The CLI will then guide you through running, testing, and deploying to Inngest Cloud.

npx inngest-cli init --template

Next, check out how to 👉 test the function.


Below is the annotated function definition (found at inngest.json) to show how the above is defined in config.

  "$schema": "",
  "name": "Process new profile photos with Google",
  "description": "Use the Google Cloud Vision API and Sharp to check images are safe and convert them to a variety of sizes.",
  "tags": ["typescript", "google"],
  "id": "free-doe-5f3107",
  "triggers": [
      // When this event is received, we'll trigger our function
      "event": "user/",
      "definition": {
        "format": "cue",
        "synced": false,
        "def": "file://./events/user-profile-photo-uploaded.cue"
  "steps": {
     * Safety Check is the first step to run. It doesn't define an `after`
     * block, so will default to `{"step":"$trigger"}`.
    "safety-check": {
      "id": "safety-check",
      "name": "Safety Check",
      "path": "file://./steps/safety-check",
      "runtime": { "type": "docker" }
     * Process is one of the two steps that can run after the Safety Check. It
     * will run after that step if the output is that the image is deemed safe.
    "process": {
      "id": "process",
      "name": "Process Images",
      "path": "file://./steps/process",
      "runtime": { "type": "docker" },
      "after": [
          "step": "safety-check",
          "if": "steps['safety-check'].body.isSafe == true"
     * Alert is the other step that can run after the Safety Check. It will run
     * after that step if the output is that the image is deemed unsafe.
    "alert": {
      "id": "alert",
      "name": "Alert",
      "path": "file://./steps/alert",
      "runtime": { "type": "docker" },
      "after": [
          "step": "safety-check",
          "if": "steps['safety-check'].body.isSafe != true"


This function has only a single step: steps/hello, which is triggered by the user/hello event.

  • ➡️ steps/safety-check/

    Using the url found in the event, this step will pass it to the Google Cloud Vision API to see if it is deemed safe. If the image is safe, isSafe: true will be passed as output to the next step. Otherwise, we'll pass isSafe: false.

  • ➡️ steps/process/

    This step will run after steps/safety-check if the output is isSafe: true. It will stream the url from the event, pipe it to an image resizer, then pipe it to Google Cloud Storage. It outputs the created thumbnail URLs.

  • ➡️ steps/alert/

    If steps/safety-check returned isSafe: false, this step will run and output the user that uploaded the unsafe image. You could use this to push a notification to moderators or to flag the account for review.


All Inngest functions can be run and tested locally with data from production, snapshots, or generated events. We'll assume you've already cloned the quick-start using the command below.

npx inngest-cli init --template

For this quick-start, we're interacting with two Google APIs: Google Cloud Vision API and Google Cloud Storage.

The final command, inngest run, will generate test data based on the event's schema (user/ To try this out with some real images, we could:

  • inngest run --snapshot > snapshot.json

    Snapshot the generated event data and place it in a file called snapshot.json.

  • Edit snapshot.json and change the url

    You can set it to any public URL to test whether or not it's detected as safe.

  • cat snapshot.json | inngest run

    Use the edited snapshot data to test your function.


Deploying to Inngest Cloud is super simple using inngest deploy.

  • Head over to Managing Secrets to see how to add a secret as GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT to your Inngest Cloud account
  • Run inngest deploy --prod (or just inngest deploy for test env)

Triggering the function

Let's imagine a JavaScript application using the Inngest JS SDK.

In your POST /photos endpoint, you could add the following code:

import { Inngest } from "inngest";

export default function uploadPhoto(req, res) {
  const url = await handlePhotoUpload(req);
  const { email, id: external_id } = req.ctx.user;

  // Send an event to Inngest
  // You can get a Source Key from the sources section of the Inngest app
  const inngest = new Inngest(process.env.INNGEST_SOURCE_API_KEY);

  await inngest.send({
    name: "user/",
    data: { url },
    user: { external_id, email },

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